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Peter Stris shortlisted for Los Angeles Litigator of the Year


Benchmark Litigation has named Peter Stris to its 2022 shortlist for Los Angeles Litigator of the Year. The other finalists are Bill Price, Dan Petrocelli, John Heuston, Jennifer Keller, and Michael Kump.

According to Benchmark Litigation, its “shortlist awards recognize the country’s most distinguished litigators and their firms for their exemplary work over the past twelve months. After months of peer review-based research and submission reviews, the Benchmark team set out to uncover the most impactful cases, the lawyers and law firms behind them, and the litigators who have paved the way.”

This year’s West Coast award winners will be announced at a ceremony in San Francisco on April 7.


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Stris & Maher LLP

777 S Figueroa St, Suite 3850
Los Angeles, CA 90017
+1 213 995 6800