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Law 360 profiles new Vermont office led by Bridget Asay and Michael Donofrio


In its periodic summary of newsworthy hires in the health industry, Law360 featured Stris & Maher’s two new partners, Bridget Asay and Michael Donofrio. The pair, “two of the state’s top attorneys” as described by Law360, will head Stris & Maher’s new office in Montpelier, Vermont.

Bridget Asay joins Stris & Maher from the Solicitor General’s Office of Vermont, where she served as the state’s first Solicitor General. Michael Donofrio joins from Green Mountain Care Board, where he was general counsel. The new office will focus on complex health care litigation.

Coverage linked above:
Health Hires: Vt. SG To Stris, BCBS In-House To Kilpatrick (Law360, April 7, 2017)


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Los Angeles, CA 90017
+1 213 995 6800