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Stris & Maher Successfully Assists Vermont in Obtaining Certiorari in Landmark Preemption Case


Stris & Maher teamed up with Vermont’s Attorney and Solicitor General Bridget Asay and Michael Donofrio to successfully persuade the Supreme Court to hear Gobeille v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. At issue is whether Vermont’s efforts to build a comprehensive database that collects health care information runs afoul of ERISA’s broad preemption provisions. Liberty Mutual convinced the Second Circuit that Vermont’s law was preempted, and both Liberty Mutual and the United States Government had urged the Supreme Court not to further review the matter.

Read our case study: 
Representing Vermont: Healthcare Preemption

Related press coverage:
High Court to Consider ERISA Implications Of Vermont Health-Care Claims Database (Bloomberg BNA, June 30, 2015)


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